*On Oct. 11, 2022, the Board of the public body created in 2018 voted unanimously to change its name from the “Mohawk Trail Woodlands Partnership” in its bylaws to operating as the “Woodlands Partnership of Northwest Massachusetts” and requested the state legislature and USDA Forest Service to officially establish and recognize the new name.
Since 2013, the Woodlands Partnership has sought to bring recognition and additional financial and technical resources to 21 municipalities in northern Berkshire and western Franklin Counties to increase natural resource based economic development, support forest conservation and stewardship, and improve the fiscal stability of our communities.
The 21-town Woodlands Partnership region of western Franklin and northern Berkshire Counties is largely intact and relatively un-fragmented. From an ecological perspective, the region is a convergence of several different types of forests, with remarkably high biodiversity for an area its size. This natural diversity, coupled with the educational resources that are available in the region, provides an opportunity for research and innovation. The region’s resources, human history, and sense of place provide a backbone for a sustainable, natural resource based rural economy.
The Woodlands Partnership of Northwest Massachusetts is led by representatives from municipalities and includes representatives from state, regional, and local government, nonprofits, land trusts, watershed associations, university researchers, and planning agencies, among others.
BOSTON — The Healey-Driscoll Administration today announced over $550,000 in grants to support the conservation and sustainable management of forests in Western Massachusetts. Through the Woodlands Partnership Program, the Executive Office
The Woodlands Partnership of Northwest Massachusetts, in partnership with Mass Audubon, the Ohketeau Cultural Center, and many others, debuted a new website, TheForestCenter.org, at its Annual Meeting June 26, 2024
Exciting news! Administrative Agent Lisa Hayden has received formal notification that the US Forest Service is recognizing the new name voted by the Board: the Woodlands Partnership of Northwest Massachusetts.
Kate Lindroos Conlin
Woodlands Partnership Coordinator
email | Contact Form
978-952-6856 x131
Lisa Hayden
Woodlands Partnership Administrative Agent
email | Contact Form
978-952-6856 x121