
Lisa Hayden head shot

Lisa Hayden

Administrative Agent

As part of her role as Outreach Director at New England Forestry Foundation, Lisa has served as Administrative Agent for the Woodlands Partnership of Northwest Massachusetts since January 2021. She joined NEFF in 2014 to conduct outreach in the 38-town MassConn Woods, connecting landowners with resources to make long-term plans for their land. She also leads regional outreach to family woodland owners to advance sustainable forestry practices as part of natural climate solutions. A former newspaper reporter, she previously worked for The Nature Conservancy on climate policy and communications. Lisa holds a B.A. in Journalism from UConn and an M.A. in Urban and Environmental Policy and Planning from Tufts University.

Kate Lindroos Conlin

Woodlands Partnership Coordinator

Kate lives in Buckland and manages, with her family, a small woodlot that is Tree Farm certified. She has experience in nonprofit program development, writing, editing, publishing, and teaching. Kate holds a B.A. in history from Hampshire College, a M.A. in English from Central Connecticut State University, and a M.F.A in poetry from the University of Massachusetts Amherst.

Find out more about what the Woodlands Partnership is doing in the region!