Partnership Plan

Identified Goals

  • Conserve forestland while keeping it in private ownership to protect the region’s rural character and enhance the role forests play in providing clean water and air, flood control, carbon sequestration and storage, and habitat protection in New England
  • Increase economic development and expand employment by nurturing sustainable forest products, outdoor recreation, and natural resource and tourism-based businesses
  • Improve the fiscal stability of municipalities
  • Engage in public education and outreach

Full Plan PDFs

In 2022, the Woodlands Partnership of Northwest Massachusetts updated its Ten-Year Partnership Plan (2022-2032) with input from local stakeholders and the public. The Plan can be downloaded below, or continue scrolling to download individual sections and appendices:

Ten-Year Partnership Plan
(Full Size)

Ten-Year Partnership Plan
(Low Resolution)

Executive Summary

Section-by-Section PDFs

Listening Sessions

The Woodlands Partnership held two public listening sessions to gather feedback on a draft updated Plan and general suggestions for ways that the Woodlands Partnership can support towns in the region. In addition, representatives from the Partnership met with member town Select Boards throughout 2022 to gather feedback and suggestions. Any further comments or suggestions can be submitted to the Partnership by using the form at the bottom of the page.

Watch the recording of the August listening session below:

Please comment on the Partnership Plan

View of the main street of Shelburne Falls, Massachusetts

Find out more about what the Woodlands Partnership is doing in the region!